
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, establishes a national program to restore and maintain the quality of the nation’s waters. Point sources of pollution are regulated under the Act while state programs for nonpoint sources are subject to federal funding and…

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Wastewater treatment plants, or publicly owned treatment works (POTWs), treat domestic and industrial sewage to levels that ensure public health and the biological integrity of the waters that receive discharges from these facilities. The end product is highly treated water…

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Although 63 percent of Pennsylvania is covered by forest, today’s mature woods are not evenly distributed. Most of the forests have vanished in agricultural areas and rapidly developing urban centers, particularly in southcentral and southeastern Pennsylvania. Trees that once hugged…

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In a home with a private well, it is the home owner’s responsibility to test the water once a year. Most wells do not require chemicals for treatment because the water moves straight from the rocks via the well into…

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Casing is put in the well to stop the hole from collapsing and to prevent the risk of surface water getting into the well. A seal of “grout” is often placed between the casing and the drilled hole to stop…

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Water well drilling machines are used to make an “engineered hole” through the soil and rock layers to reach groundwater. The cost of a modern drilling machine is about $500,000! Not all water wells are drilled the same way, but…

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